branding, business-sitting, interim management, marketing communications

Get your brief on…

and outsource your marketing needs! As the owner of a small business, you have plenty of things to be focussing on. You’re used to doing it all yourself and love the challenge, but you no longer have the time to manage it all. Plus the growing demands to be an expert in so many different… Continue reading Get your brief on…


Hark – your business doth protest too much, methinks?

When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart with that very special entity in your life, your business? It’s an appointment that tends to be rescheduled in favour of more important events in your calendar. When your daily in-the-business activities leave you no space to contemplate the future of your empire, the time has surely come… Continue reading Hark – your business doth protest too much, methinks?